Name: James Mattox
Major: Psychology, Criminology and Addictions Counselling
Hometown: Terre Haute, Indiana
1. Why did you choose to earn your degree at SMWC?
It allowed me to see my family often while being able to make new friends
2. Why did you choose your major?
For Psychology, my high-school economics teacher taught a psychology class, and despite never taking it, I figured I would give it a shot. It also gave me the opportunity to help others in a way that I was passionate about for years. For criminology, it helped me get out of my shell and do things I was uncomfortable with. Addictions counseling was different. When I chose psychology as my major, they didn’t have addictions counseling as a major, but I wanted a career that included it. When they offered it, I decided to take a few classes to make sure I was sure about that career path, and I was.
3. What is your favorite place on campus?
My favorite place on campus is probably The 1840 because of all the memories I have in that room, from watching movies, playing games, doing homework or even just chilling out.
4. What have you been involved in (student clubs and organizations, sports teams, etc.) during your time at SMWC?
I’ve been a part of SAC (Student Activities Committee), SFLC (Sophomore Freshman Leadership Council) and Student Senate. I’ve also served as an Orientation Leader.
5. What is a favorite memory you have from your Woods experience?
My favorite memory at SMWC was when I was helping my professor with the mock crime scene for his policing class in April 2023. I got to help set up a protest against the Krusty Krab.
6. How do you plan to stay connected to SMWC after graduating?
I would love to stay connected to SMWC with Reunion because I have only heard good stories about other alumni experiences, and I know there is so much more to know about Saint Mary-of-the-Woods that I can learn from other alums!